Pantone / PMS 2312 C / #b79a81 Hex Color Code. The hexadecimal color code #b79a81 is a medium light shade of orange. In the RGB color model #b79a81 is comprised of 71.76% red, 60.39% green and 50.59% blue. In the HSL color space #b79a81 has a hue of 28° (degrees), 27% saturation and 61% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of


vinter Pantone: 295 C CMYK: 100/70/1 Padded JN JN JN 593 JN JN 1050 JN 1049 JN 1035 JN 1034 JN 1068 JN JN JN 1071 JN 1039 JN Ord. 2560:-) 2312.

i tre färger (Pantone 355 grön; Pantone 109 gul; Pantone 286 blå), Propargit (ISO). 2312-35-8. 219-006-1. 1179.

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Pantone / PMS 2312 CP / #b39981 Hexfärgkod. Hexdecimalsfärgkoden #b39981 är en mellanljus nyans i orange. I RGB-färgmodellen #b39981 består av 70.2% röd, 60% grönt och 50.59% blått. I HSL-färgutrymmet #b39981 har en färgton på 29° (grader), 25% mättnad och 60% ljusstyrka. Färgen har en ungefärlig våglängd på 582.02 nm. Stockfoto

In the RGB color model #baa18d is comprised of 72.94% red, 63.14% green and 55.29% blue. In the HSL color space #baa18d has a hue of 27° (degrees), 25% saturation and 64% lightness.

Pantone 2312

Pantone / PMS 231 / #fa73bf Hex Color Code. The hexadecimal color code #fa73bf is a medium light shade of magenta-pink. In the RGB color model #fa73bf is comprised of 98.04% red, 45.1% green and 74.9% blue. In the HSL color space #fa73bf has a hue of 326° (degrees), 93% saturation and 72% lightness.

In the HSL color space #baa18d has a hue of 27° (degrees), 25% saturation and 64% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of PANTONE SMART 19-2312X Color Swatch Card, Crushed Violets. 4X4 Swatches, 4X8 unfolded. The More You Buy The More You Save. Prices As Low As 9.50 each. Van Son Pantone Red 032 2312 Rubber Base Ink £40.50 ex.VAT Pantone Red 032 rubber based ink from a world renown manufacturer, ideal for small Offset and all other Letterpress printing applications.

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